Saturday, June 20, 2009

Louise's version

Terry cheated on the trivia game. She copied my answers. The only one she got right were the science ones...duh. I scored in all areas cuz I am so well rounded intellectually and socially...and we all know Terry best assest is that she is a nerd....but I guess I owe it to her nerdiness that she started this blog, which I am sure will bring you all hours of endless entertainment. The bottom line of which is that if we are bored you will be reading alot... to try to get a window seat if not the poor person next to me will be suggested to my drooling after 20mg of Ambien..... derrrrrr.
Next stop Tel Aviv!

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Louise travels just like me.
    I am so excited about your trip that I am hanging on every word, so don;y be worried I will never be bored!!! :o) Laura
