Tuesday, June 23, 2009


By the way....Laura Lee....thank you for being the ONLY ONE to post any comments!! We are only a zillion miles from home and hungry for any little crumb of acknowledgement for all this free entertainment we are providing for the rest of you.
OK...even if you don't want to post a comment, please email us....we are sick of each other...ha ha.


  1. I thought that just by signing on I was accomplishing something......however I quess I wasn't! Thank you for the postings, I love following your trip. Be safe, have fun if you can do both.

  2. I posted a comment yesteday but maybe I did not do it right! Nevertheless, I am following your odyssey each day and am a little envious os you. You know how I love to travel. Be safe.
    Joan Lehmann

  3. I think it's amazing what you are doing. You make me proud!!!

  4. Yeah....glad you all are paying attention!!
    MUCH more tonight!!

  5. Dad tried to send a comment yesterday but apparently it did not go through. Sounds like the hotel is not on Rick Steve's list! I think we have stayed in one like it!

  6. The Wailing Wall and the pictures of the Old City are wonderful. I am anxious to see all of your MANY pictures when you return.I will be waiting for the web album.
    Love, Mom

  7. I Love the stories!! But I want to know who gets a relaxing soak in that bathtub? Sounds like you both are having a great time, Love the pics, I bet Louise could have gotten some alcohol from Walleed if she had tried a little!! :o)
