Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday afternoon

We had to vacate our room at 10 so stashed our bags and headed out to revisit places that were too crowded when we were there before. Much better in the early am. Then walked part of the ramparts around the Old City....a real challenge for old knees, feet and ankles.....mine, not Terry's. However, we both feel like we have been on a stairclimber for the past 4 days....SO many steps...uneven and at times very steep. Good for us!! We went over to the Sheraton to see what time we could check in....maybe not til 10pm due to the Sabbath. So we shopped a bit...had some lunch with our friend Mohammed across the street (where we ate last night)....who serves amazing falafel, hummus, tahini and salad..and, best of all..Diet Coke...... with ICE!....hard to find here. We were happy campers. The Austrian Hostel where we have spent the past 2 nights is very generous about letting us hang out on it's beautiful we are killing time on our computers til we go over to the Sheraton later. I am sitting on this garden "patio" outside the hotel overlooking the city. The heat has finally broken...and a warm wind is blowing. The blend of cultures, the sounds, smell and sights are displayed below me in the street...where it said is the path Jesus took on this way to the cross. Many pilgrims and believers follow this path...passing by in solemn repose. I am overwhelmed by the history and humanity....the faith and the faithful...the past and the present so miraculously I am connected to the world....wireless...almost unimaginable really. Perched here above antiquity, laptop on lap, listening to Mozart...on one of my favorite CDs...Classical Music for a Sunday Morning....after all it is "Sunday". It almost seems surreal. I am content and happy......and so grateful for this experience.

1 comment:

  1. I am so greatful to you both for the blogs. This one just really struck me, being Sunday.Thank you!!!
    Hope all goes well at you confrence tommorrow, I am sure it will. We have exported our best in Breast Imaging to the Middle East..
    Long Live the Sheraton!!!! :o)
